Used Western Saddles

Wade Tree Saddle Custom 17 (Needs Repair)

Wade Tree Saddle Custom 17 (Needs Repair)
Wade Tree Saddle Custom 17 (Needs Repair)
Wade Tree Saddle Custom 17 (Needs Repair)
Wade Tree Saddle Custom 17 (Needs Repair)
Wade Tree Saddle Custom 17 (Needs Repair)
Wade Tree Saddle Custom 17 (Needs Repair)

Wade Tree Saddle Custom 17 (Needs Repair)   Wade Tree Saddle Custom 17 (Needs Repair)
This is a custom made 17 inch seat Wade saddle, measurements in pictures. The cinch ring on the left side of the saddle was ripped off because the saddle was not cinched down and the saddle rolled to the side, so the saddle will need to be repaired. The panel can be removed and replaced by a competent leather worker or saddle maker. It was only ridden in twice. The maker is R Bar B of Topeka Kansas. Let me know if you have questions.
Wade Tree Saddle Custom 17 (Needs Repair)   Wade Tree Saddle Custom 17 (Needs Repair)